my love

my love

Sunday, July 24, 2011


what i write here .... 
how i write my feeling .... 
but i want to say something to u shubham....
i miss u ...... i miss u so much 
now, i can imagine how u spent ur day without me ...
how u behave like mad without me...
same thing happened to me today 
every minute every second i'm hurting my self 
i'm coming online to find u .. 
i want to sleep b'cos at least i want to see u in my dreams ... 
i'm missing our sweet memories ...
ur smile ur craziness ur anger ur tears 
everything...... im missing 
i know and everyone know that how much u love me
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& i know that u loves me more than i love u
i dont know how u love me thins much 
but today i miss ur care.... i miss ur every loving words..
so many friends i have ...
when u were here i was talking to my friends... but 
today i dont feel to talk with anyone... 
i want to say this all to u but how can i tell u....
i want to share my pain with u but how can share ...
even i cant talk with my friends... i tried to talk and tried to be normal like before 
but fail my love i fail ....
i never learn to live without u......
even one minute one second how i live without u....


  1. Wow Nad... This letter is full of your love for your coffeewala...

    I wish n I will pray that he will be fine soon n call u n come to you like before only...

    God bless your love... Shubham and Nad...
